Terms and Conditions

  1. Important information regarding the Game:
    1. The Game only involves simulation trading, and does not involve any actual buying or selling of exchange traded funds (“ETFs”) or stocks.
    2. This Game is for educational purposes only and does not constitute any marketing, promotion, or endorsement of any ETFs or stocks. The Game does not constitute any invitation to acquire, dispose of or subscribe for any ETFs or stocks or any other securities.
    3. The registration page and all other information regarding the Game and the lucky draw for the Game’s participants do not constitute an invitation to participate in the Game or the lucky draw in any jurisdiction where it would be unlawful to do so.
    4. If you are in doubt about your participation in the Game, please obtain independent professional advice.
  2. Each contestant is permitted to register for the Game once only. Student contestants can participate in either the Public Section or the Tertiary Student Section, but not both. Contestants will be disqualified if duplicated registration is found.
  3. Winners of the Public Section and contestants in the Tertiary Student Section shortlisted to enter the Final Round will be notified by email and by phone. Final Round contestants in the Tertiary Student Section must confirm within 2 business days their attendance and participation in person in the Final Round.
  4. A finalist in the Tertiary Student Section who does not confirm his or her attendance within 2 business days or who cannot participate in the Final Round in person will be disqualified, and the contestant in the Tertiary Student Section with next highest total investment returns in the First Round will then be invited to participate in the Final Round. Finalists of the Tertiary Student Section are required to show their student identification documents at the Final Round for verification of identify.
  5. Winners are required to show their identification documents for verification on collection of prizes. Winners or their representatives must collect their prizes in person with the notification letters and identification documents within the specified period. Prizes that are not collected in time will be forfeited.
  6. The contestants’ performance will be determined by reference to the trading data and times contained in the server of ET Net Limited (the “Organiser”), which is provided to the contestants and displayed on the webpage etnet.com.hk. The Organiser accepts no responsibility for the interruption or transmission failure of the communication tools, any data transfer delays or other technical problems beyond its control.
  7. Any contestant who engages in illegal or dishonest behaviour while participating in the Game will be disqualified, and the decision of the Organiser is final.
  8. All prizes are non-refundable, non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash. The Organiser reserves the right to replace advertised prizes with items of a similar value without prior notice (except to the lucky draw).
  9. The Organiser does not provide any warranty on, and does not accept any liability associated with the use of, any non-cash prizes. Any dispute in relation to the functionality or otherwise of such prizes should be resolved directly between the prize winner and the supplier.
  10. The winners of the Best Presentation Award and the Best Portfolio Award in the Tertiary Student Section will need to discuss the internship details and arrangements directly with China Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited. The Organiser and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited accept no responsibility for the internship arrangements.
  11. The Organiser and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited may use the names and photographs of the winners of both Sections and any presentation materials prepared by the finalists of the Tertiary Student Section for publicity purposes.
  12. The Organiser reserves the right to modify the Game Rules, Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice (except to lucky draw). In case of any dispute, the Organiser’s decision shall be final.
  13. Contestants who breach these Terms and Conditions or the Game Rules may be disqualified, and the Organiser’s decision shall be final.
  14. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English version and the Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
  15. The personal data provided by contestants will be used for the Organiser’s administration of the Game and the publicity purposes stated in clause 11 above. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, contestants have the right of access, correct and obtain copies of their personal data kept by the Organiser and The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEx”).
  16. HKEx and its subsidiaries are not involved in the organisation of the Game and do not accept any liability associated with the organisation, participation in or any other involvement with the Game. For any query, please contact the Organiser at info@etnet.com.hk.