2017金融科技獎(大學生組) 申請表格 FinTech Awards 2017 Application Form (University Students)

多謝你的支持!etnet 將於2018年1月10日或以前個別聯絡勝出者,安排領獎及出席頒獎禮事宜。
Thank you for your support. etnet will contact winners on or before January 10, 2018 for prize and ceremony arrangement

For any enquiry, please feel free to contact:

黃瑜 Paris Wong
D:2880 8639

羅彥童Cathy Law
D:2880 6493

繆文穎 Miu Miu
D:2880 7006

Terms & Conditions:

1. 參賽機構能提供充足資料予主辦機構及評審團以作評選之功用。Applicants should fill in all the required information about their company and entries, and should cover all the judging criteria.

2. 參賽機構遞交之所有文件及資料將不獲發還,主辦機構會將這些資料於比賽完畢後銷毀。The documents and materials supplied are not returnable and will be destroyed by the Organizer after the event.

3. 如因未能預計的原因,主辦機構保留取消是次比賽全部或部份項目的權利。The Organizer reserves the right to cancel any part of the Awards due to any unforeseeable circumstance.

4. 主辦機構保留接受或拒絕任何參賽申請的權利。如有需要,主辦機構有權修改評審標準。The Organizer reserves the right to accept or reject any entries and have the authority to amend any judging criteria.

5. 參賽單位同意保證主辦機構不須為任何形式的索償負責。此保證包括但不局限於因展出使用其全部或部份作品而引起的版權索償。Each entrant agrees to hold the Organizer harmless of any claims whatever, including but not limited to copyrights or other intellectual property claims that may be made against any of the Organizer by reason of any such presentation or other use of the entries of the entrant or any part thereof.

6. 主辦機構毋須為參賽單位的損失或損毀負上任何責任。The Organizer shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage incurred by any entrant for any cancellation of any part of the competition.

7. 若對獎項結果有任何爭議,一切均以主辦機構及評審團的最終決定為準。In case of any dispute, the decision of the Organizer will be final and binding on all parties concerned.

8. 如本中文本與英文本有任何出入之處,一切條款概以中文本為準。All the above has been translated into English. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.